There is rain in the forecast for the next few days, so at least I have that going for me! Although on the news last night, they were forecasting even more freakishly sunny weather for next week - in the seventies! - which made me immediately want to jump on a plane to a rainy locale. Sheesh.
Ya know, I have to say, balmy weather would be easier to handle if there were a romantic prospect in the greater Seattle area - but even with all the bright light provided by TOO MUCH SUN - I don't freakin' see one.
You'd think that, now that I am surviving on a mere quarter-dose of my beloved Celexa, I would enjoy the SUN but no! Give me some stormy weather to match the moods that are currently making their way through my serotonin-starved synapses.
Despite the numerous weather and romance-related obstacles I currently face, progress is being (ever-so-slowly) made on The Book, and my rock-star career is shaping up too - having just gotten into a country-rock band! Yes, thank you, thank you! Don't look for us to be headinling the Tacoma Dome any time soon - but perhaps I'll be onstage at one of Seattle's great clubs someday. Or coffeehouses. Or food courts. Or streetcorners.
In any case, music is back in my life and I couldn't be happier, because we all know I need a backup career in case the bestselling author thing doesn't work out!
If only I didn't feel like the only person in the world without a significant other right now. (That ridiculous thought, my friends, is called a "cognitive distortion." It's clearly false but feels true.)
O, Celexa, where art thou?
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