Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Did you know that only 12 people came to hear Dan Brown read from the Da Vinci Code when he appeared at Third Place Books in Bothell, WA? Well, neither did I until the guy running my reading there last night told me. And guess what? I had 14 people! So THERE.

In other news, my pal Christy wrote in with the following funny anecdote:

“I climbed Mt Rainier this weekend and thought it would be funny to have my picture taken while reading your book on the summit. I packed your book and hauled it up to Ingraham Flats and decided at the last minute (1am yesterday morning) to leave it in my tent and not carry it up to the summit. To my utter amazement, I ran into a guy named Jim on the summit who had your book with him!!! On the summit!! I ran over to him and asked him if he knew you...told him I, too, had brought a copy of your book with me, but didn't haul it up to the summit. Long story short, I had my photo taken at the summit with a copy of your book, that actually belonged to a guy named Jim. I thought you might like to know that Breakup Babe has reached the summit of Rainier!!!”

A little background for those of you who haven’t read the book (and pray tell, why haven’t you?), there is a pivotal scene that takes place on Mt. Rainier, which is why (I guess) all my fans appear to be hauling it up there. Thanks guys! It’s so flattering to know you will hump that extra weight up the mountain to get your Breakup Babe fix. For those of you taking the book exotic places, for God’s sake, send me a picture and I’ll post it on the blog!

Um, in other, other, news, there is a bunch but I forget.

Oh YEAH. I’m going to California this week. If I don’t die in a plane crash before I get there please tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW IN CALIFORNIA to please come see me read, because I gotta keep up the Dan Brown-beating STREAK.

Cali Schedule
Friday, July 14, 7:30 p.m.
Black Oak Books
1491 Shattuck
Berkeley, CA

Sunday, July 16, 3 p.m.
Books, Inc.
301 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA

Monday, July 17, 7:30 p.m.
Books, Inc.
2251 Chestnut St.
San Francisco, CA 94123


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