Thursday, March 11, 2004

Delving into the archives, I see that approximately two months ago I was in a dating slump. Whining about it too.

Well! I have come out of the slump swinging!

It's like the early days of the tech boom. Back then, I could fire my resume off, and within hours - minutes! - some dot com manager would be on the phone begging me to edit Web copy at some ridiculously high rate (three free catered meals a day and alcohol-soaked parties included!)

These days, my phone number seems to have the same effect. Why, just this weekend, up at my little ski retreat, with the Cap'n safely back in Seattle, I ran into a handsome, dark-haired, ski stud (yes,another one!) who looked awfully familiar (no it wasn't the Jewish Ski God!)

After chatting for a bit, we figured it out. He used to date the woman who lived right across the hall from me. For a year I saw the two of them parading in out and out together, late at night, early in the morning, as pretty a couple as you could ever hope to be. And I always felt a pang of loss for the companionship I once had, while also thinking Damn that boy is cute.

"Well," I say, when we realized who the other was, "She just bought a house right? Do you live there together?"

"No," he says shaking is head, his brown eyes filled with regret. "We broke up in May."


"Oh really," I say, shaking my own head in sympathy. "That's too bad." NOT.

So, having nothing to lose, and expecting nothing in return, I instruct the owner of the lodge, by now a friend of mine after so many years, to hand him my card after I leave.

And voila - like magic - two days later he calls! I've not spoken to him yet, but the funny, articulate message he left makes me think he could actually be a threat to the Cap. Then again, the Jewish Ski God faded in and out like a hologram,so you never know.

But I'm on a roll, no doubt about it. Whoohoo!

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